I'll post links at the bottom so that you guys can read various takes on the ending, but I'm still going to put my two cents in here really fast. Video games are a very new art form with very new rules. Developers feel they own a game because they made it and gamers feel they own a game because of how invested they are in the story; they feel they are in that story. This is even more true in an RPG, and doubly super infinity true when an RPG is as well-crafted and beloved as Mass Effect. I think gamers went too far especially the one who filed a complaint with the FTC, but at the same time Bioware really dropped the ball. Anyway, I'll just give you the links and let you decide for yourself, although I will give commentary with each link.
Just as a recap:
1) The Mass Effect 3 ending is terrible because it makes no sense, ignores most players decisions and is overall confusing, melodramatic, and awful.
2) However, if video games are art, then we must respect the authors and their vision. We can argue and whine about how bad it is, but changing it would arguably destroy it as a work of art.
3) You're damned if you do and damned if you don't, Bioware. Think next time, and make sure that the new ending you're making works. I'm sick of this and don't really want to talk about it anymore. See you guys next week.
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